The Way of Kings 10th Anniversary Leatherbound Edition
Created by Dragonsteel Entertainment
Celebrate 10 years of The Stormlight Archive with Brandon Sanderson
Latest Updates from Our Project:
From Brandon—New Stretch Goal Interest Survey
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 12:27:29 AM
Hey, everyone! As you probably know already, we smashed through all the stretch goals we'd planned—and we're only a week in. Thank you for all your support!
We're working on new stretch goals. One of the great things about doing so well is that we get more wiggle room on our margins because of economies of scale, which in turn lets us develop new cool things to add to the Kickstarter. Please keep in mind that we need to be mindful of the final weight so we don't impact shipping costs for our international backers.
As always, however, we want to create things you'd actually want and use. So we've created a poll here including our ideas and others suggested by the community. Please check the options you would like to get. Anything you leave unclicked we'll take as a, "Cool, but not for me." We'll collect all of this, and work on only the things that the majority of you would like to receive.
Note that in this list, we've specifically included some digital-only items like the special livestreams. This is because not everyone is getting physical rewards. Do note that everything we add as a physical reward will also be included in the digital art package also. But we'd still like to have digital-focused rewards like the Novella "behind the scenes drafts and beta read comments" package. (One of the #1 things I get asked by aspiring writers is if they can get a glimpse of what happens during a beta read, so they can set up similar reads for their own books.)
Please let us know, either through comments or through votes, what kind of rewards you'd like to see us create! And if you feel like sharing the Kickstarter with others, know that the more people participate, the more money we'll have to spend on new rewards! Thanks so much for everything!
Thank you! + Stretch Goal Mockups + Unboxing Video
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 12:52:23 AM
Isaac here filling in for Brandon while he’s in the homestretch on Rhythm of War revisions. He’s told another awesome story with this one, and I can’t wait for you to get a hold of it in November.
Thank you for making our campaign more successful than we could have imagined. We knew we would sell some books, but so quickly? Wow. Each of you is amazing. When I’m designing these books, hiring artists, and working with the printer and bindery, you are often on my mind. That might sound sentimental, but I know it’s your hard-earned money making these books possible, and I take that trust seriously.
Now on to a few cool things. I’ve got a little unboxing video Adam and I made when a package came from the bindery yesterday afternoon. It’s five minutes long and involves me talking about bindery stuff, so I won’t blame you if you skip through it just for the pretty pictures or jump to the end of the post to take a look at the photo at the end of the update.
In other news, here are a few close ups of the mockups of the Orders of Knights Radiant patches, pins, and coins. Please remember that the designs might not be final. For example, I’ve adjusted the colors of the Willshapers slightly from what we've seen before. I’m just creating as close an approximation as I can with the tools I have.
Images are mockups, not actual photographs. Designs are not final.
Images are mockups, not actual photographs. Designs are not final.
Images are mockups, not actual photographs. Designs are not final.
We won’t have samples of these until after we submit quantities to the manufacturers when the campaign is over, but in the past we’ve made pins and patches that have turned out nicely. Some of those can be found on these pages.
Sample case of Volume 2 from the bindery for foil approval.
I'll have more to show as more art and samples arrive. For example, I’m working on mockups of the backs of the coins, and I’ll show those as soon as the designs are finished, so stay tuned. Until then, thank you for an exciting launch!
Livestream Day 1
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Jul 08, 2020 at 03:07:08 AM
All Planned Stretch Goals Unlocked!
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Jul 08, 2020 at 12:08:07 AM
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Two hours in and we have already unlocked all the planned stretch goals and reached 10,000 backers. Wow! You all are the best! So, what's next? On the livestreams leading up to the campaign, we accidentally dreamed up the existence of Roshar's Chromatic Chicken Scouts. If we reach 10,000 leatherbound books sold, we will create another sticker pack, this time themed toward the Chromatic Chicken Scouts. It will match the style of the other sticker sheets, with Ben McSweeney drawing these up and Isaac Stewart creating a new glyph and wordmark to represent these persistent patch-earners and brave badge-hounds. Further stretch goals will likely be themed in this direction.
Wow! We are funded!
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Jul 07, 2020 at 11:45:40 PM
Wow! We funded in three minutes!
Looks like we will be hitting our stretch goals faster than Isaac can update the graphics. We will do our best to keep up!